Pre-Season SALE on American Swan Merchandise
Yes! You heard it
UPto75 in association with American Swan, presents a special Gift Voucher
for everyone who likes to go on a shopping spree online. The Gift Voucher
entails a special discount worth Rs.200. Well, if you are wondering what use of
it would be if there's any minimum order limit, but to your utter surprise,
there is none. So, you order under budget items with as low as 50% discount
(unless, you are late enough and grabbing this deal and stocks get over). Guess
what, the shipping is Free of cost too! Amazing, right? So, don't miss the
opportunity and grab your vouchers now! The vouchers are valid up till 31st
October 2014 only.
Doubts, you said? Don't worry, we've answered some for you below.
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